EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2
EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

capacitor barcode scan

If you npm install a Cordova/Capacitor plugin after npx cap add android then make sure you run npx cap update before running from Android Studio again.
If you make html, js, ts, css changes, run ionic build again and also run npx cap copy.
Or when in doubt, run npx cap sync as it does update+copy.

1. init

npx @capacitor/cli create testbarcode
npx cap add android
npx cap sync
npx cap copy
npx cap open android

ctrl+c exit

2. npm i phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner

npm i phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner --save
npx cap sync
npx cap copy

3. modify www/index.html


<button onclick="myFunction2()">Try it barcode</button>

    async function myFunction2() {
        result => console.log(result),
        err => console.error(err),
          showTorchButton: true,
          prompt: "Scan your code",
          formats: "QR_CODE",
          resultDisplayDuration: 0

npx cap sync
npx cap copy

android studio run

PS: use cordova.plugins NOT window.cordova.plugins



很像REST Client
1. var = 兩邊不能有空白
@9020_login =


2. 當有空白行時
@_csrf1 = Gxa6Hip4-J_A3L2kpRc72Iclw_Ql8eIcQiTc

@login_challenge = 394bab045e2e4a25be83fe207440787e





siege --help

SIEGE 3.0.6
Usage: siege [options]
siege [options] URL
siege -g URL
-V, --version VERSION, prints the version number.
-h, --help HELP, prints this section.
-C, --config CONFIGURATION, show the current config.
#可以编辑里面的参数,这样每次siege 都会按照它运行.
-v, --verbose VERBOSE, prints notification to screen.
-q, --quiet QUIET turns verbose off and suppresses output.
-g, --get GET, pull down HTTP headers and display the
transaction. Great for application debugging.
-c, --concurrent=NUM CONCURRENT users, default is 10
#模拟有n个用户在同时访问,n不要设得太大,因为越大,siege 消耗本地机器的资源越多
-i, --internet INTERNET user simulation, hits URLs randomly.
-b, --benchmark BENCHMARK: no delays between requests.
-t, --time=NUMm TIMED testing where "m" is modifier S, M, or H
ex: --time=1H, one hour test.
#持续运行siege ‘n’秒(如10S),分钟(10M),小时(10H)
-r, --reps=NUM REPS, number of times to run the test.
#重复运行测试n次,不能与 -t同时存在
-f, --file=FILE FILE, select a specific URLS FILE.
-R, --rc=FILE RC, specify an siegerc file
-l, --log[=FILE] LOG to FILE. If FILE is not specified, the
default is used: PREFIX/var/siege.log
-m, --mark="text" MARK, mark the log file with a string.
-d, --delay=NUM Time DELAY, random delay before each requst
between 1 and NUM. (NOT COUNTED IN STATS)
-H, --header="text" Add a header to request (can be many)
-A, --user-agent="text" Sets User-Agent in request
-T, --content-type="text" Sets Content-Type in request

** SIEGE 2.72
** Preparing 300 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege.. done.

Transactions: 30000 hits #完成30000次处理
Availability: 100.00 % #成功率
Elapsed time: 68.59 secs #总共使用时间
Data transferred: 817.76 MB #共数据传输 817.76 MB
Response time: 0.04 secs #响应时间,显示网络连接的速度
Transaction rate: 437.38 trans/sec #平均每秒完成 437.38 次处理
Throughput: 11.92 MB/sec #平均每秒传送数据
Concurrency: 17.53 #实际最高并发连接数
Successful transactions: 30000 #成功处理次数
Failed transactions: 0 #失败处理次数
Longest transaction: 3.12 #每次传输所花最长时间
Shortest transaction: 0.00 #每次传输所花最短时间