EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2
EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

ethereum sign verify ECDSA part 3 Final ethereumjs-util Elliptic secp256k1

phone vs secp256k1 vs ethereumjs-util

那代表 phone 產生的是符合ethereum的格式

但因為 signed的長度不符合標準的 secp256k1 ,所以只能用ethereumjs-util的工具,從fromRpcSig 匯入處理,取得 s r v ,後就能進行處理了!

Elliptic 和 secp256k1 各別需要不同的方式,請閱code

const secp256k1 = require('secp256k1')
const ejsu = require('ethereumjs-util')

Web3 = require("web3")
var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || 'ws://some.local-or-remote.node:8546');

// phone
// private key 
// address 0xAD44A8ea9A9Bb5eF66F041BB921A687331729eB4
// Message Signature Has 0xa05ac71b16172777f683edbc48e9709cffd713a82630232d7c98e0f0df5201d60329658dba83b53fed49307e03d9663c0d2e4476c8b7925c2ed02cc7f881f5271b
// Message Hello
// public key 034e17dc4aef81e0ce6d16686be5e194274795375fc5525f1cdc46fe0b4643d5d6

console.log("\n----- phone -----\n")

var buf_Signed = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes("0xa05ac71b16172777f683edbc48e9709cffd713a82630232d7c98e0f0df5201d60329658dba83b53fed49307e03d9663c0d2e4476c8b7925c2ed02cc7f881f5271b"))
var buf_pubkey = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes("0x034e17dc4aef81e0ce6d16686be5e194274795375fc5525f1cdc46fe0b4643d5d6"))

console.log("\x1b[32m Public Key: \x1b[0m %s \nlength: %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_pubkey), buf_pubkey.length)
console.log("\x1b[32m singature: \x1b[0m %o \nlength: %s \n", buf_Signed, buf_Signed.length) 

// ethereumjs-util import signature  fromRpcSig
console.log("\n===== ethereumjs-util =====\n")

var fromSigned = ejsu.fromRpcSig(buf_Signed)
console.log("\x1b[32m fromSigned: %o \n", fromSigned) 

var message = "Hello"
prefix = '\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n' + message.length.toString()
console.log("\x1b[32m prefix: \x1b[0m %s \n", prefix)

var message2 = prefix + message
var buf_msgHash2 = ejsu.keccak256(message2); // this is ok

var buf_msgHash = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes(web3.utils.soliditySha3(prefix, message)))
var ecrecover_public_key = ejsu.ecrecover(buf_msgHash, fromSigned.v, fromSigned.r, fromSigned.s)
console.log("\x1b[32m ecrecover_public_key: \x1b[0m %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(ecrecover_public_key))

var address = ejsu.pubToAddress(ecrecover_public_key)
console.log("\x1b[32m address: \x1b[0m %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(address))
console.log("\x1b[32m toChecksumAddress address: \x1b[0m %s \n", ejsu.toChecksumAddress(web3.utils.bytesToHex(address)))
console.log("\x1b[32m address is same address: \x1b[0m %s \n", ejsu.toChecksumAddress(web3.utils.bytesToHex(address)) == '0xAD44A8ea9A9Bb5eF66F041BB921A687331729eB4')

// Elliptic 
console.log("\n===== Elliptic-util =====\n")
var EC = require('elliptic').ec;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
//var key = ec.genKeyPair();
var key = ec.keyFromPublic(buf_pubkey); // No Private Key

//r s
var r = buf_Signed.slice(0, 32);
var s = buf_Signed.slice(32, 64);
console.log("\x1b[32m Elliptic verify: \x1b[0m %s \n", key.verify(buf_msgHash, {r: r, s: s}));

console.log("\n===== secp256k1 =====\n")
var DER_signature = secp256k1.signatureExport(buf_Signed.slice(0, 64))
var signature = secp256k1.signatureImport(DER_signature)
console.log("\x1b[32m phone Signed -> DER Signed -> signatureImport: \x1b[0m %s \nlength: %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(signature), signature.length)
console.log("\x1b[32m secp256k1 verify: \x1b[0m %s \n", secp256k1.verify(buf_msgHash, signature, buf_pubkey));

console.log("\n----- phone End -----\n")

// secp256k1
// private key random => 0x9fc00a13bf199dc5606da92d61438c680eeddec04f7a1833405c1466a81c9bd7

console.log("\n----- secp256k1 -----\n")

var buf_PrivateKey = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes('0x9fc00a13bf199dc5606da92d61438c680eeddec04f7a1833405c1466a81c9bd7'))
var buf_PublicKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(buf_PrivateKey)
console.log("\x1b[32m Public Key: \x1b[0m %s \nlength: %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_PublicKey), buf_PublicKey.length)

var buf_msg = Buffer.alloc(32, "Hello")
var singature = secp256k1.sign(buf_msg, buf_PrivateKey)
console.log("\x1b[32m singature: \x1b[0m %o \nlength: %s \n", singature, singature.signature.length) 
console.log("\x1b[32m singature: \x1b[0m %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(singature.signature))

var recover_public_key = secp256k1.recover(buf_msg, singature.signature, singature.recovery)
console.log("\x1b[32m Get Back Pubkey: \x1b[0m %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(recover_public_key))
console.log("\x1b[32m recover_public_key is same PublicKey: \x1b[0m %s", web3.utils.bytesToHex(recover_public_key) == web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_PublicKey))

console.log("\n----- secp256k1 End -----\n")

// ganache
// private key 0x75b25b96be4313c5a102bd4daa6bbeb71414f23e0ae15c0f93fa6d17866003da
// addresss 0xf8d3A2033ebfc7778CD59f676235a8E431b6eeD7

console.log("\n----- ganache -----\n")

// ganache part is OK
var buf_PrivateKey = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes('0x75b25b96be4313c5a102bd4daa6bbeb71414f23e0ae15c0f93fa6d17866003da'))
var buf_PublicKey = ejsu.privateToPublic(buf_PrivateKey)
var buf_Address = ejsu.privateToAddress(buf_PrivateKey)
console.log("\x1b[32m Public Key: \x1b[0m %s \nlength: %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_PublicKey), buf_PublicKey.length)
console.log("\x1b[32m Address: \x1b[0m %s \nlength: %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_Address), buf_Address.length)

var message = "Hello"
var buf_msgHash = ejsu.keccak256(message);
var singature = ejsu.ecsign(buf_msgHash, buf_PrivateKey)
console.log("\x1b[32m singature: \x1b[0m %o \n", singature)  // have r s v

var ecrecover_public_key = ejsu.ecrecover(buf_msgHash, singature.v, singature.r, singature.s)
console.log("\x1b[32m ecrecover_public_key: \x1b[0m %s \n", web3.utils.bytesToHex(ecrecover_public_key))
console.log("\x1b[32m ecrecover_public_key is same PublicKey: \x1b[0m %s", web3.utils.bytesToHex(ecrecover_public_key) == web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_PublicKey))

console.log("\n----- ganache End -----\n")


----- phone -----

 Public Key:  0x034e17dc4aef81e0ce6d16686be5e194274795375fc5525f1cdc46fe0b4643d5d6
length: 33

 singature:  <Buffer a0 5a c7 1b 16 17 27 77 f6 83 ed bc 48 e9 70 9c ff d7 13 a8 26 30 23 2d 7c 98 e0 f0 df 52 01 d6 03 29 65 8d ba 83 b5 3f ed 49 30 7e 03 d9 66 3c 0d 2e ... >
length: 65

===== ethereumjs-util =====

 fromSigned: { v: 27,
   <Buffer a0 5a c7 1b 16 17 27 77 f6 83 ed bc 48 e9 70 9c ff d7 13 a8 26 30 23 2d 7c 98 e0 f0 df 52 01 d6>,
   <Buffer 03 29 65 8d ba 83 b5 3f ed 49 30 7e 03 d9 66 3c 0d 2e 44 76 c8 b7 92 5c 2e d0 2c c7 f8 81 f5 27> }

 prefix:   Ethereum Signed Message:

 ecrecover_public_key:  0x4e17dc4aef81e0ce6d16686be5e194274795375fc5525f1cdc46fe0b4643d5d66dcc58b79553ea878b6b514b8bd2552090d0fc810bd6f9b4d585f4709f43ed41

 address:  0xad44a8ea9a9bb5ef66f041bb921a687331729eb4

 toChecksumAddress address:  0xAD44A8ea9A9Bb5eF66F041BB921A687331729eB4

 address is same address:  true

===== Elliptic-util =====

 Elliptic verify:  true

===== secp256k1 =====

 phone Signed -> DER Signed -> signatureImport:  0xa05ac71b16172777f683edbc48e9709cffd713a82630232d7c98e0f0df5201d60329658dba83b53fed49307e03d9663c0d2e4476c8b7925c2ed02cc7f881f527
length: 64

 secp256k1 verify:  true

----- phone End -----

----- secp256k1 -----

 Public Key:  0x037ff17f569a94f4b91317a36b54dc9a77cdd6ce004a00821ca0ebc12acaa5188d
length: 33

 singature:  { signature:
   <Buffer 79 a4 11 c0 85 bd 1a 2d 7b bd a5 eb 1e 19 d6 75 f1 40 07 27 f7 83 82 9f 1d f6 2a d2 86 3c 8a eb 62 04 03 78 64 96 f9 10 27 61 d0 ea 79 2b 40 65 d5 45 ... >,
  recovery: 1 }
length: 64

 singature:  0x79a411c085bd1a2d7bbda5eb1e19d675f1400727f783829f1df62ad2863c8aeb620403786496f9102761d0ea792b4065d545608d7905af427ffa2b181b103e28

 Get Back Pubkey:  0x037ff17f569a94f4b91317a36b54dc9a77cdd6ce004a00821ca0ebc12acaa5188d

 recover_public_key is same PublicKey:  true

----- secp256k1 End -----

----- ganache -----

 Public Key:  0xba5ca43c6d8c8ec41a0449ddc35dfee96afd0a112c4667b9d09925913799be627d1a779b6114c8541650c3b31bf88d360b1e3ebc973267003c7452fef6f2da2e
length: 64

 Address:  0xf8d3a2033ebfc7778cd59f676235a8e431b6eed7
length: 20

 singature:  { r:
   <Buffer b7 f7 ff 3c 78 8f 10 db e5 46 d4 10 2a 17 cd 99 1f d3 2c 5a c8 86 e9 31 83 bc 53 8d 5f 92 8f 81>,
   <Buffer 6d c1 0d 0e 71 42 73 f5 64 64 96 af d4 e1 3d 49 18 09 5f 42 27 e0 0b ae 1f 5a 59 ec af 39 fd e2>,
  v: 27 }

 ecrecover_public_key:  0xba5ca43c6d8c8ec41a0449ddc35dfee96afd0a112c4667b9d09925913799be627d1a779b6114c8541650c3b31bf88d360b1e3ebc973267003c7452fef6f2da2e

 ecrecover_public_key is same PublicKey:  true

----- ganache End -----

ethereum sign verify ECDSA part 2

Sure ethereum signature is 65, but secp256k1 is 64

RangeError: signature length is invalid

Web3 = require("web3")
var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || 'ws://some.local-or-remote.node:8546');

const secp256k1 = require('secp256k1')
// or require('secp256k1/elliptic')
//   if you want to use pure js implementation in node

//ethereum test
msg = web3.utils.hexToBytes("0xd301ce462d3e639518f482c7f03821fec1e602018630ce621e1e7851c12343a6")
signature = web3.utils.hexToBytes("0x638a54215d80a6713c8d523a6adc4e6e73652d859103a36b700851cb0e61b66b8ebfc1a610c57d732ec6e0a8f06a9a7a28df5051ece514702ff9cdff0b11f454")
pubkey = web3.utils.hexToBytes("0x03ca634cae0d49acb401d8a4c6b6fe8c55b70d115bf400769cc1400f3258cd3138")
console.log(secp256k1.verify(msg, signature, pubKey))

ethereum sign verify ECDSA part 1

呼叫web3的部份,都需要使用ethereum geth,這部份有點麻煩

Call web3 must use ethereum, this mean need to run ganache or geth. No ok.

jsrsasign is offline to compute

ECDSA 相關的是


public address 只是 verify後拿來驗證是否相同

另一句話 verify後會產生public address,主要是拿sign後的值產生 r s v ,然後再用 合約的功能 ecrecover 處理

public address only for after verify product check

Other way to explain is

After verify get public address. Take signatures to make r s v, then use r s v with contract ecrecover(). ecrecover() run finish get public address.


Use npm secp256k1. When you run code

Web3 = require("web3")
var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || 'ws://some.local-or-remote.node:8546');

const { randomBytes } = require('crypto')
const secp256k1 = require('secp256k1')
// or require('secp256k1/elliptic')
//   if you want to use pure js implementation in node

// generate message to sign
const msg = Buffer.alloc(32, "Hello") //randomBytes(32)

// generate privKey
let privKey
do {
  privKey = randomBytes(32)
} while (!secp256k1.privateKeyVerify(privKey))

var buf_privatekey = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes('0x75b25b96be4313c5a102bd4daa6bbeb71414f23e0ae15c0f93fa6d17866003da'))
console.log("privatekey: %s", web3.utils.bytesToHex(buf_privatekey))

// get the public key in a compressed format
const pubKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(privKey)
console.log("pubKey: %s", web3.utils.bytesToHex(pubKey))

// sign the message
const sigObj = secp256k1.sign(msg, privKey)

//Message Signature Hash 長度

//public key
pubkey = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes("0x034e17dc4aef81e0ce6d16686be5e194274795375fc5525f1cdc46fe0b4643d5d6"))

//標準signature 是64
console.log("secp256k1 sign finish hex: ", web3.utils.bytesToHex(sigObj.signature))

signature = Buffer.from(web3.utils.hexToBytes("0xa05ac71b16172777f683edbc48e9709cffd713a82630232d7c98e0f0df5201d60329658dba83b53fed49307e03d9663c0d2e4476c8b7925c2ed02cc7f881f5271b"))
console.log(secp256k1.verify(msg, signature, pubKey))

// verify the signature
//console.log(secp256k1.verify(msg, sigObj.signature, pubKey))
// => true


Message Signature Hash

Enter the original message that was signed

verify ok

Go back see code.
Message Signature Hash 長度 is 65
sigObj.signature.length is 64


This is Why. And