download index.php & auth.php
my demo
2:edit index.php
2-1 mark:
//$f->auth($_SESSION['perms']); //會造成迴圈
//$token = $f->auth_checkToken($_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token']); //無用
!!important!! token usually is ok~ and phpFlickr check token is broken.
This can check token https://www.flickr.com/services/api/explore/flickr.auth.checkToken
2-2 change:
echo "<h2>" . $_SESSION['phpFlickr_auth_token'][_content] . "</h2>";
3:call back URL set THIS FILE:http://xxxxoooo.com/auth.php
IF not sure, just index.php when you not login. index.php have Set the callback url to: xxxxxxoooooo
4:How to access private photos
$token = ""; //put now get token
$api_key =""; //put api
$secret =""; //put secret
$f = new phpFlickr($api_key, $secret);
!!important!! Don't $f.auth() again~ DO NOT DO AGAIN.
method 1:
$res = $f->photosets_getList(); //get all Albums
$PhotosetList = $res['photoset'];
//print_r($PhotosetList); //just test
method 2:
$Allphoto = $f->photosets_getPhotos('xxxxxxxxxx'); //xxxx -> put Albums ID
if (is_array($Allphoto)){
foreach ($Allphoto as $AllphotoList){
foreach ($AllphotoList['photo'] as $PhotoInfo){
$imgsrc = $f->buildPhotoURL($PhotoInfo, "small");
echo "<img src='".$imgsrc."'>";