Important!! web3.eth.sendTransaction({ data: bytecode
"certjson.bytecode" or "certjson.bytecode.object"
MUST Have "0x" at line First Character
Use Truffle
1. run
1-1. run command
mkdir testtruffle
cd testtruffle
npm i web3
truffle unbox metacoin
truffle test ./test/TestMetaCoin.sol
truffle test ./test/metacoin.js
truffle compile
2. modify truffle-config.js
Here use your private poa chain networkinfo. from address must be can used. genesis file can put this address.
module.exports = {
// Uncommenting the defaults below
// provides for an easier quick-start with Ganache.
// You can also follow this format for other networks;
// see
// for more details on how to specify configuration options!
networks: {
development: {
host: "",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*",
from: "0x5921a4c1b13afbd4b61d63e9c7bd47741c47b176"
// test: {
// host: "",
// port: 7545,
// network_id: "*"
// }
3. modify migrations/1_initial_migration.js
If account have password, remark some line to put password. Here example no password.
Import: importRawKey maybe run one time, get error msg "Error: Returned error: account already exists" then remark.
Import: if unlock failed, may be is geth new version need to add --allow-insecure-unlock
const Web3 = require('web3');
const TruffleConfig = require('../truffle-config.js');
const Migrations = artifacts.require("Migrations");
module.exports = function(deployer) {
const config = TruffleConfig.networks.development;
//if (process.env.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD) {
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://' + + ':' + config.port));
// maybe only run one time for geth
// web3.eth.personal.importRawKey('d05bd152f3d71ff5f91830f3ccc1090fb670c7026ebf8c2136d4e5090d59398d', '')
// web3.eth.personal.importRawKey('138cbbfb21686ddc3b5ffeb2cfc83491175af68319977acb81d0ae93392c626c', '')
// if unlock failed, may be is geth new version need to add --allow-insecure-unlock
console.log('>> Unlocking account ' + config.from);
// //web3.personal.unlockAccount(config.from, process.env.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, 36000);
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(config.from, '', 36000);
console.log('>> Deploying migration');
truffle migrate
4. run
truffle test
Why you need to do this, because you can run many test (open 3 or more command line run truffle test) on same time for test your private poa ethereum.
If see Error, next step.
5. modify test/metacoin.js check code like this:
const MetaCoin = artifacts.require("MetaCoin");
Check accounts who have coin then change balance 0 or 1 & account one or two.
contract('MetaCoin', (accounts) => {
it('should put 10000 MetaCoin in the first account', async () => {
const metaCoinInstance = await MetaCoin.deployed();
console.log('\n accounts: %o\n', accounts);
const balance0 = await[0]);
const balance1 = await[1]);
console.log('balance0: %s', balance0.valueOf());
console.log('balance1: %s\n', balance1.valueOf());
assert.equal(balance1.valueOf(), 10000, "10000 wasn't in the first account");
it('should call a function that depends on a linked library', async () => {
const metaCoinInstance = await MetaCoin.deployed();
const metaCoinBalance = (await[0])).toNumber();
const metaCoinEthBalance = (await[0])).toNumber();
assert.equal(metaCoinEthBalance, 2 * metaCoinBalance, 'Library function returned unexpected function, linkage may be broken');
it('should send coin correctly', async () => {
const metaCoinInstance = await MetaCoin.deployed();
// Setup 2 accounts.
const accountOne = accounts[1];
const accountTwo = accounts[0];
// Get initial balances of first and second account.
const accountOneStartingBalance = (await;
const accountTwoStartingBalance = (await;
// Make transaction from first account to second.
const amount = 10;
await metaCoinInstance.sendCoin(accountTwo, amount, { from: accountOne });
// Get balances of first and second account after the transactions.
const accountOneEndingBalance = (await;
const accountTwoEndingBalance = (await;
assert.equal(accountOneEndingBalance, accountOneStartingBalance - amount, "Amount wasn't correctly taken from the sender");
assert.equal(accountTwoEndingBalance, accountTwoStartingBalance + amount, "Amount wasn't correctly sent to the receiver");
web3 private key unlock & create contract
createcontract.js methond 1
var fs = require('fs');
var Web3 = require("web3");
var provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("");
var web3 = new Web3(provider);
console.log("before web set account: %o", web3.eth.defaultAccount);
const privateKey = 'd05bd152f3d71ff5f91830f3ccc1090fb670c7026ebf8c2136d4e5090d59398d';
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + privateKey);
console.log("private key import to account: %o", account)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
try {
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account.address, "").then(console.log('Account unlocked!'));
} catch (err) {
console.error('web3 unlockAccount Error: %o', err);
var certjson;
var certjsonpath = './Cert.json';
try {
certjson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(certjsonpath));
} catch (err) {
console.error('readFileSync Error: %o', err);
const certContract = new web3.eth.Contract(certjson.abi); = certjson.bytecode;
certContract.options.from = '0x5921a4C1B13afbD4b61d63e9c7BD47741C47B176'
certContract.options.gas = '4700000'
console.log("web3 version: %o", web3.version)
web3.eth.getAccounts().then(o=>{console.log("Accounts: %o", o)})
.on('error', (error) => {
console.log("error: %o", error)
.on('transactionHash', (transactionHash) => {
console.log("transactionHash: %o", transactionHash)
.on('receipt', (receipt) => {
// receipt will contain deployed contract address
console.log("receipt: %o", receipt)
console.log("receipt.contractAddress: %o", receipt.contractAddress)
.on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => {
console.log("confirmationNumber: %o", confirmationNumber)
console.log("confirmation receipt: %o", receipt)
if (typeof newContractInstance.options.address !== 'undefined') {
console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + newContractInstance.options.address);
console.log("newContractInstance.address is undefined!")
createcontract.js methond 2
var fs = require('fs');
var Web3 = require("web3");
var provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("");
var web3 = new Web3(provider);
console.log("before web set account: %o", web3.eth.defaultAccount);
const privateKey = 'd05bd152f3d71ff5f91830f3ccc1090fb670c7026ebf8c2136d4e5090d59398d';
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + privateKey);
console.log("private key import to account: %o", account)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
try {
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account.address, "").then(console.log('Account unlocked!'));
} catch (err) {
console.error('web3 unlockAccount Error: %o', err);
var certjson;
var certjsonpath = './Cert.json';
try {
certjson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(certjsonpath));
} catch (err) {
console.error('readFileSync Error: %o', err);
const certContract = new web3.eth.Contract(certjson.abi); = certjson.bytecode;
certContract.options.from = '0x5921a4C1B13afbD4b61d63e9c7BD47741C47B176'
certContract.options.gas = '4700000'
console.log("web3 version: %o", web3.version)
web3.eth.getAccounts().then(o=>{console.log("Accounts: %o", o)})
// 怖署合約
var TxHash;
console.log("######## promise all ##############");
const getNonce = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
web3.eth.getTransactionCount(web3.eth.defaultAccount, (error, result) => {
if(error) reject(error);
const getGasPrice = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
web3.eth.getGasPrice((error, result) => {
if(error) reject(error);
// const sendRawTransaction = (rawTx) => {
// const privateKey = "d05bd152f3d71ff5f91830f3ccc1090fb670c7026ebf8c2136d4e5090d59398d";
// const tx = new Tx(rawTx);
// const privateKeyBuffer = Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex');
// tx.sign(privateKeyBuffer);
// const serializedTx = tx.serialize();
// web3.eth.sendRawTransaction('0x' + serializedTx.toString('hex'), function(err, hash) {
// console.log('Error:', err);
// console.log('Hash:', hash);
// });
// }
Promise.all([getNonce(), getGasPrice()]).then(values => {
// const rawTx = {
// to: '0x203D17B4a1725E001426b7Ab3193E6657b0dBcc6',
// gasLimit: web3.toHex(1000000),
// value: web3.toHex(web3.toWei('0.1', 'ether')),
// nonce: values[0],
// gasPrice: values[1]
// };
// console.log(rawTx);
// return(rawTx);
console.log("nonce: %s", web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[0]));
console.log("GasPrice: %s", web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[1]));
web3.eth.estimateGas({from: "0x5921a4C1B13afbD4b61d63e9c7BD47741C47B176",data: contractjson.bytecode.object}).then(o=>{console.log("estimateGas: %o", o);})
from: "0x5921a4C1B13afbD4b61d63e9c7BD47741C47B176", // web3.eth.coinbase, // web3.eth.getAccounts() 第一筆
data: certjson.bytecode,
nonce: values[0],
gasPrice: values[1],
gas: 4700000
console.log("txhash object: %o", o);
TxHash = o.transactionHash;
console.log("TxHash: %o", TxHash)
console.log("check contractAddress object: %s", o.contractAddress);
.catch(e => console.log("sendTransaction error: %o", e));
.then(console.log("create transaction ok!"))
.catch(e => console.log("promise all error: %o", e))
node createcontract.js
every 10sec create contract
First: fixed contract
pragma solidity >=0.4.25 <0.7.0;
contract MetaCoin {
mapping (address => uint) balances;
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
constructor() public {
balances[msg.sender] = 10000;
function sendCoin(address receiver, uint amount) public returns(bool sufficient) {
if (balances[msg.sender] < amount) return false;
balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
balances[receiver] += amount;
emit Transfer(msg.sender, receiver, amount);
return true;
function getBalance(address addr) public view returns(uint) {
return balances[addr];
Promise.all method & web3.eth.sendTransaction
var fs = require('fs');
var Web3 = require("web3");
var provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("");
var web3 = new Web3(provider);
console.log("before web set account: %o", web3.eth.defaultAccount);
const privateKey = '138cbbfb21686ddc3b5ffeb2cfc83491175af68319977acb81d0ae93392c626c';
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + privateKey);
console.log("private key import to account: %o", account.address)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
try {
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account.address, "").then(console.log('Account unlocked!'));
} catch (err) {
console.error('web3 unlockAccount Error: %o', err);
var contractjson;
var contractjsonpath = './MetaCoin.json';
try {
contractjson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(contractjsonpath));
} catch (err) {
console.error('readFileSync Error: %o', err);
const getNonce = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
web3.eth.getTransactionCount(web3.eth.defaultAccount, (error, result) => {
if(error) reject(error);
const getGasPrice = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
web3.eth.getGasPrice((error, result) => {
if(error) reject(error);
Promise.all([getNonce(), getGasPrice()]).then(values => {
console.log("values: Nonce %s GasPrice %s", web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[0]), web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[1]));
}).then(console.log("create transaction ok!"))
.catch(e => console.log("promise all error: %o", e))
setInterval( () => {
Promise.all([getNonce(), getGasPrice()]).then(values => {
console.log("nonce: %s", web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[0]));
console.log("GasPrice: %s", web3.utils.hexToNumber(values[1]));
web3.eth.estimateGas({from: "e79d33e93bd888b35e055f1a12d876354729037b",data: contractjson.bytecode.object}).then(o=>{console.log("estimateGas: %o", o);})
from: "e79d33e93bd888b35e055f1a12d876354729037b", // web3.eth.coinbase, // web3.eth.getAccounts() 第一筆
data: contractjson.bytecode.object,
nonce: values[0],
gasPrice: 20000000000, //20,000,000,000
gas: 181949 //181,949
console.log("txhash object: %o", o);
TxHash = o.transactionHash;
console.log("TxHash: %o", TxHash)
console.log("check contractAddress object: %s", o.contractAddress);
.catch(e => console.log("sendTransaction error: %o", e.message));
.then(console.log("create transaction ok!"))
.catch(e => console.log("promise all error: %o", e.message))
}, Math.random() * 10000);
every 5sec create contract & web3 contract method
var fs = require('fs');
var Web3 = require("web3");
var provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("");
var web3 = new Web3(provider);
console.log("before web set account: %o", web3.eth.defaultAccount);
const privateKey = '138cbbfb21686ddc3b5ffeb2cfc83491175af68319977acb81d0ae93392c626c';
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + privateKey);
console.log("private key import to account: %o", account.address)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
try {
web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account.address, "").then(console.log('Account unlocked!'));
} catch (err) {
console.error('web3 unlockAccount Error: %o', err);
var contractjson;
var contractjsonpath = './MetaCoin.json';
try {
contractjson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(contractjsonpath));
} catch (err) {
console.error('readFileSync Error: %o', err);
setInterval( () => {
contractAddr = "0x46Fac13Ca8398545479bF2DA18133Aa87377b559";
contractfrom = "0xe79d33e93bd888b35e055f1a12d876354729037b";
coinOwnerAddr = "0xe79d33e93bd888b35e055f1a12d876354729037b"
sendCointoAddr = "0x5921a4C1B13afbD4b61d63e9c7BD47741C47B176";
var metacoinContract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractjson.abi, contractAddr);
from: contractfrom,
gasPrice: 20000000000, //20,000,000,000
gas: 181949
.then(o=>{console.log(coinOwnerAddr+" getBalance: %o", o)});
metaCoinContract.methods.sendCoin(sendCointoAddr, 10).send({
from: contractfrom,
gasPrice: 20000000000, //20,000,000,000
gas: 181949
.then(o=>{console.log("sendCoin: %o", o)});
from: contractfrom,
gasPrice: 20000000000, //20,000,000,000
gas: 181949
.then(o=>{console.log(sendCointoAddr+" getBalance: %o", o)});
}, Math.random() * 5000);
// .on('transactionHash', function(transactionHash){
// console.log("transactionHash: %o", transactionHash)
// })
// .on('receipt', function(receipt){
// console.log("receipt: %o", receipt)
// console.log("receipt.contractAddress: %o", receipt.contractAddress)
// })
// .on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){
// console.log("confirmationNumber: %o", confirmationNumber)
// console.log("confirmation receipt: %o", receipt)
// })
// .on('error', function(error){console.log("error: %o", error.message)});