EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2
EExcel 丞燕快速查詢2

LiveWire meteor.js LiveView

Before using LiveWire, JavaScript was always the language used for both frontend and backend development. When choosing a framework, one of the most important factors to consider is validation.

Validation is a crucial and time-consuming aspect of development. It needs to be performed on the frontend, backend, and when modifying the database through input, update, or delete operations. In some cases, the validation process may be performed twice. Typically, the backend performs validation using the same language. This makes validation a reusable function. On the other hand, the frontend often uses JavaScript, which is a different language.

This is where Meteor.js comes in as the best option. It provides all the necessary packages for full-stack development through npm. However, there was a drawback at that time - Node.js 14 was considered too old due to its use of fibers. The combination of Meteor.js and Node.js 14 made it difficult to separate concerns. Fortunately, Meteor.js v3 has made a comeback.

At present, Livewire offers similar advantages by allowing validation to be performed using the same backend function and the same PHP language. Additionally, it provides automatic rendering with two-way binding.

As for LiveView, I am still trying to understand how it works. At this point, I have two questions: Can frontend validation be performed using backend functions? The answer is yes. Can frontend developers easily modify and work together with Vue, React, Alpine, and other frameworks? I don't have an answer to that yet.


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